When is organic lip balm really organic?
The Merry Hempsters produce some of the only truly certified organic lip balm in the world. Our lip balms are certified through Oregon Tilth and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) which is the gold standard in organic certification.
“Certified organic” means that agricultural products have been grown and processed according to USDA’s national organic standards and certified by USDA-accredited certification organizations. Certifying agents review applications from farmers and processors for certification eligibility, and qualified inspectors conduct annual onsite inspections of organic operations. Inspectors talk with operators and observe their production and processing practices to determine if they are in compliance with organic standards that, for example, prohibit synthetic pesticide use in crop production. The processing and packaging must meet a standard of cleanliness similar to that of kosher certification. No irradiation or fumigation is allowed in this process. The purchase of organic products like our lip balm helps fuel an economy that ultimately benefits your body, the farmer, and the earth.
A number of companies such as Kiss My Face, and Avalon market their lip balms as containing organic ingredients or claim their product is “organic.” While there is nothing currently illegal about their actions, their products have no third party verification mechanism to support their organic claims. These claims are confusing and sometimes outright deceptive leaving the public to wonder what these so-called “organic” products really contain.
Body care companies that claim to produce products such as lip balm, soaps and shampoos in an organic form or containing organic ingredients are finding themselves defending their claims in court after action by the Organic Consumers Association and several organic companies. Hopefully the outcome of this and other similar cases will end a company’s ability to make organic claims outside the current USDA regulation.
The Merry Hempsters are dedicated to promoting organic agriculture and products as well as the extraordinary benefits of Cannabis Sativa (hemp) seed oil. We encourage everyone to get more involved with promoting hemp (www.votehemp.com) and promoting organic practices (www.organicconsumers.org).